Malbish Arumim
Outfitting Goodness, One Family at a Time.
Malbish Arumim's Mission
Dear concerned friends and neighbors,
On behalf of Malbish Arumim, I would like to express our deep appreciation and gratitude for your interest and general support of the Chesed Organization.
Malbish Arumim is a well-known recognized program to distribute clothing cards to those in need.

Malbish Arumim desperately needs your help to continue to keep our doors open so that no displaced families, widows and families whose husbands are in the army will be turned away.
Please donate generously and may Hashem Bless us with Shalom and will you continue health and success in your future endeavors
Rabbi Shlomo Churba
Rabbi Shimon Segal z’l
Rabbi Benoliel
Clothing for
Displaced Families,
widows and families whose husbands are in the army.

ברוך אתה ה' אלוקינו מלך העולם, מלביש ערומים
Clothing for
a Large Family
Clothing for
a Small Family
Clothing for
a Girl or a Boy
Clothing for
a Baby Toddler
Clothing for
an Infant
$ donate other amount
Endorsed by
Rabbi Shlomo Churba
Sharei Rachamim Congregation
Brooklyn, NY
Endorsed by
Rabbi Shimon Segal zt'l
Rosh Yeshiva & Menahel Klali
Torah Emes Kamenitz
Brooklyn, NY
Endorsed by
Rabbi Benoliel
Congregation B'nai Yosef
1616 Ocean Pkwy. Brooklyn, NY
Contact us

Malbish Arumim
731 E 9TH Street. Brooklyn
NY 11230-2201
+1 929 317-9213